Friday, 13 January 2012
Practical conservation March 2011
01.03.11: Treneere - gardening.
As part of our community work we aim to inspire people to improve places. Treneere is a housing estate in Penzance that needed some improvements to a communal garden shared by people in flats. The aim of this task was to clear all of the weeds and turn over the soil to prepare the soil for a bit of grass seed sowing and to provide a blank canvass so that the residents could start growing their own fruit and vegetables if they wished to.
We arrived with the trailer ready to fill up with the weeds and scrub and got to work pulling and digging up weeds, turning over the soil and raking. After this we emptied some grass seed over part of the garden and left to take the garden waste to the tip.
04.03.11: Great Flat Lode, Newton Moor - surfacing and drainage works, revetments, water-level control and vegetation control.
Well today was my last day as I'm off to have a baby due on the 27th March, I have got the pregnant sway (waddle) and alfresco dining is a bit tricky these days as I can't get up again!!
It was a lovely fresh day and the sun was shining down on us as we cut back vegetation to open up the pathway. The sun was also shining down on some other volunteers who got dressed up in waders to control water levels that were impeding onto the footpath.
Lunch was great, as it was my last day there was a lot of cake going round :-). Here we are enjoying lunch (cake).