I have recently joined the Friends of Park Wood which look after Park Wood in Waterlooville, Hampshire. It is around 8 acres and designated as Ancient Semi Natural Woodland with a fascinating variety of gnarled ancient Yews and deadwood which encroach onto the pathways, a truly magical wood.
I help with practical conservation and I am also arranging a woodland festival for them which is due to take place on Saturday 11th May 2013. This will be a great opportunity for local producers, organisations and conservation groups to promote their work. The main reason for the festival is to get more people into Park Wood and to inform the public of the beautiful places around them. There will be an emphasis on connecting people with nature such as -spring themed nature art and crafts activities for children, Al the urbane forager to inform people of what nuts and berries they can find for free in their local area and to get people out and about.
Many of the local conservation groups will be attending to promote and inform people of the hard work that they do to conserve and enhance biodiversity. I am hoping that their presence will inspire the next generation to join these local groups as there are many that are close to closing down or that have already closed down which I am truly amazed by, I really thought that more people would be interested in environmental conservation and looking after their local areas.
On Sunday 23rd September 2-3pm Park Wood will be holding a minibeast day which will provide people with the opportunity to hunt for bugs and get them identified by an entomologist which I am really looking foward to!